Being physically active involves moving so much that you're breathless, hot, and sweaty. Regular physical activity promotes bone, muscle, and joint health, to mention a few advantages. It may help you maintain a healthy weight and lower your chances of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease later in life.
According to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, only 50 percent of boys and fewer than 34 percent of girls between 12 and 15 are correctly fitted. Exercise helps kids develop mental clarity and provides energy, and provides an outlet for fun. 80% of overweight children become obese adults, research shows. At least an hour of moderate-intensity exercise, five days a week, is recommended for children aged 6 to 17. You may take your kids to school, ride a bike to see friends or roller skate to the park as a mode of transportation.
Here are eight helpful tips to encourage your child to exercise.

Give them Motivation
Finding a real motivation is the best approach to stick to a workout or training plan long-term. Ask your youngster if there are any potential health advantages to exercising. It's essential to be detailed, but not too so. To increase muscle, learn a new activity, utilize new exercise equipment, have more fun outside, or become an athlete? Encourage your youngster to see themselves working toward their goal and keep drawing pictures of it in their minds.

Set Reasonable Expectations
High hopes are admirable, but you should balance them with a sense of reality. The best way to improve one's physical well-being and performance are not with over-the-counter remedies. Children's bodies require time to grow and adjust to this process. Your child's instruction should be appropriate to their age and ability. Your child's doctor can help you determine how much and what kind of physical exercise is acceptable for their age.

Choose a suitable activity for their age.
Doing at least 60 minutes of physical exercise a day is recommended for children between 6 and 17. These activities may occur at home, school, or even in organized sports. You should engage toddlers and preschoolers in active play many times a day. Adopting a regular physical activity schedule is the most excellent method to ensure that children get the recommended amount of physical exercise each day.
Preschoolers: For children who are only four years old, several youth leagues allow them to participate in organized sports. Sports are out of reach for many young children whose attention spans, motor abilities, and coordination aren't developed enough to participate. They may practice basic skills like kicking or throwing a ball instead of playing on a team.
School-age: When it comes to school-aged children, it's crucial to assist them in discovering activities they like. Traditional sports such as baseball and basketball and martial arts, bicycling, hiking, and playing outdoors are examples of these activities. Don't forget to set aside some time for free play throughout these years, as schedules begin to grow more hectic.
Teens: There is a wide range of options for teenagers who want to stay active, from school sports to extracurricular activities. A workout schedule is an excellent idea since it frequently needs to be squeezed between school and other obligations. Make it as simple as possible for your kid to exercise by providing transportation and the required equipment or gear.

Consider Their Fitness Personality
Children's personalities, genetics, and athletic ability influence their choice to engage in sports and other physical activities. In a competitive atmosphere, the casual athlete is in danger of being discouraged. A parent's support and encouragement are likely to require the nonathlete to acquire and sustain physical exercise. A pleasant attitude from a parent might encourage a hesitant youngster to exercise. Be a part of your children's lives and encourage them to do the same. Exercise should be a part of everyone's daily routine; as a result, getting started as early as possible is critical.

Help them build their Momentum.
When your youngster is active throughout the day, they will have more energy for training or exercise. If you're a family member, consider using the stairs instead of the elevator or moving about the home every hour. Constructively using the snowball effect is good.
Set A Limit.
Reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens daily, including television, videos, computers, and video games. When you have free time, try to increase your physical activity levels.
Make a Reasonable Schedule.
Several studies have shown that school-age children who have rigorous daily routines are less likely to be in good physical condition.
Don't Overdo The Activity.
If you're experiencing pain or discomfort when exercising, try a less rigorous activity or stop altogether. You should consult the doctor if practice interferes with school or other activities.
Children's well-being depends on a nutritious diet and frequent exercise. As a consequence of regular physical activity, people are less likely to acquire ailments like diabetes and heart disease. Healthy children are a benefit to their families and the community. To set a good example for your children, establish an exercise program and let them see how hard work pays off!
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