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How To Deep Clean Your Mattress

All right, who's ready to really get into spring cleaning this year? Let the fresh air in, get ready to roll up your sleeves, and get excited: we're going to talk about how to give your mattress a thorough cleaning. A mattress may be used more often than any other furniture in our home, although it is seldom included in our regular cleaning procedures. To improve your sleep quality and decrease the accumulation of perspiration, dust mites, and allergies, consider cleaning your mattress twice a year. It's a great way to keep your bedroom free of pests and clean and comfortable all night.

It's recommended to replace your mattress every 7–10 years because of the gradual degradation of the mattress's materials. The layers and fibers in your mattress will last longer, and you'll get better rest if you clean it once every six months.

Here, therefore, are the steps for a thorough mattress cleaning.

1. Vacuuming the entire mattress.

Use a different vacuum cleaner than you have at home. To ensure that you remove all of the dust, grime, hair, and dead skin from the mattress, you should use tiny circular movements over the whole surface. An upholstery attachment for your vacuum might simplify cleaning, but it's not required. For the following stages to work well, you'll need a spotless surface, so take your time and be thorough. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter may help keep allergens at bay and clean the air in an allergy sufferer's home. In addition to washing your sheets regularly, maintaining an air filter in your room might help prevent allergens that would otherwise collect into your bedding.

2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide and Microfiber cloth.

Get a spray bottle and fill it with your own cleaning solution. Put one cup of hydrogen peroxide, one cup of cold water, and two generous squirts of dish soap into the container. If it doesn't work, try a slight shaking! You should spray the solution all over your mattress and then use your hands to feel for any dry places. This cleaning solution can safely come into contact with your bare hands without fear. To clean the stains away, try using a Microfiber cloth. Hydrogen peroxide has the potential to lighten or even bleach dark beds, so tread carefully.

3. Use a Spotter machine.

Because of in-bed eating, night perspiration, or the presence of young children or pets, you may need to clean up a few stains. Chemically dissolving stains and smells may be aided by an upholstery cleaning or enzyme-based odor remover. Using the product's recommended method, spot-treat any visible stains on the bed's surface, then wait for it to dry entirely before recreating it. Another approach to removing stains from a mattress is using a steam cleaner. As it works through the layers, it dislodges oils and blasts away any germs lurking.

4. Freshen up your mattress.

Once your mattress has dried thoroughly after being treated with liquids to remove stains and odors, generously sprinkle baking soda all over the surface. Get the most out of your investment by using the whole box. As the baking soda reacts and absorbs odors, it takes time. Let it sit on the bed for 12-24 hours without touching it if you can. After sitting for a while, vacuum the mattress with an upholstery attachment to remove the baking soda. A mattress that has been exposed to sunlight may also smell like new. Sunlight can help eliminate mattress smells, stains, and germs as it can help eliminate stains on sheets and clothes.

5. Let it air dry

After washing your bedding, you may speed up the drying by turning on a fan and opening the windows. Opening the mattress's zippers will enable air to circulate through it, helping to eradicate stale air and odors.

6. Use mattress protection.

A mattress cover may save time and effort on mattress maintenance. Each layer of protection is made to be impermeable and permeable to air. They are effective in blocking both superficial and embedded spills, and they prevent the accumulation of musty aromas in fabrics. Dust mites and other allergens may adversely affect health, which is why hypoallergenic mattress coverings are so helpful. Using a topper on your mattress is a great way to extend its lifespan, improve its comfort, and keep the warranty intact in the event of spills or odors. It's simple to clean a mattress cover. During cold and flu season, when you wash your sheets every week, you may want to wash your mattress cover every month or more frequently.

It is necessary to clean your mattress every 6 months if it is not soiled. If you replace your sheets often and let your mattress air out, you can keep it clean. Turning or rotating your mattress at this time is also recommended.

A clean, well-maintained mattress is essential to your health and cleanliness. While you sleep, your body naturally sheds dead skin cells, hair, and around a quart of fluid. Doing so will likely eliminate the bacteria and germs that find their way into every mattress over time.


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