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Here's How You Can Help Your Kids In Their Studies

When the school year begins, it's normal for kids to feel anxious. Some youngsters will embrace the shift with open arms, while others may require more help. Checking in with your kid about their worries, anxieties, and concerns is essential to preparing for the new school year.

Lesson warm-ups are critical to getting your kids into a mindset where they can concentrate, engage, and learn. Running a marathon isn't something you can just get up and do without warming up beforehand. If a session doesn't start with a warm-up, kids need more time to exercise their minds and begin thinking about the subject. Alongside getting everything they need in school ready, we also want them to be prepared and ignite the knowledge they stored behind their minds while enjoying their vacation.

1. Try a brain teaser

Starting with brain teasers is a simple way to begin. Brain teasers are entertaining for kids, teachers, and parents alike, and there is no lack of online resources. This is an excellent choice for all ages since it doesn't have to be related to the topic. Write one on the board before class and let your kids solve it independently.

2. Watch short educational videos

Most youngsters spend their leisure time watching television or playing video games. Introducing a class with a game everyone can participate in is a great idea. Either the video's content or tone is up to the viewer. Cat videos, appropriate music videos, and baby videos are some. In addition, there are a plethora of YouTube channels geared toward families. Remember, you're warming up your kid's brain and attention span, so a worthy short educational video will suffice.

3. Play crossword

A crossword puzzle after breakfast is fun to test your children's vocabulary. Create a new word by letting your children use the letters that are currently present. You may either print one out or paint some on a whiteboard. Make the game even more enjoyable with incentives like food or playtime.

4. Describe the picture

As a result, the children's creative writing abilities will be stimulated. Giving kids 30 seconds to explain what they perceive in a photograph is the premise of this activity. As a teacher, Ivan Berezowski advises: "Make sure it has many minor details in it, preferably one where you might spend some time detailing every little aspect to your companion." Afterward, have them remove the image and recount what they saw to you or a trusted companion. Split them into two groups (if you just have one kid, this is optional) and have each team write down as many items they witnessed in 30 seconds as possible.

5. Around the World

Transitioning from another topic to math is made easier with warm-up exercises. The game "Around the World" is recommended by early childhood educator Holly Mitchell. This activity has kids sit in a circle behind a friend or sibling standing behind them. After a math question is asked, the one who successfully answers first travels around the circle. This is a humorous pre-math warm-up that helps children relax and focus.

They are an excellent approach to breaking the ice every day at the start of the day. They're an excellent method to get your kids interested in school and ready to study without disrupting their everyday schedule. Adding enjoyable and novel activities to help kids warm up their brains may enhance their motivation to attend school and their academic performance.


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