Now that fall is here, it's time to switch from using your air conditioner to use your heater. Make sure you and your family won't be cold this autumn and winter by scheduling your yearly furnace check and tune-up. Annual inspections and maintenance by a trained professional are recommended by all furnace manufacturers. Having your unit serviced once a year will also help it last longer. Professional care performed once a year is required to maintain the guarantee from one year to the next.

1. Replace the filter in your furnace monthly.
Because of the potential for catastrophic failure due to overheating, it may be necessary to replace the heating system altogether. Filters get clogged when dirt and debris accumulate, preventing air from flowing freely and forcing the system to work harder than necessary. When filters get clogged, debris cannot pass through and accumulates elsewhere in the system, leading to contamination and costly maintenance costs.

2. The belt should be inspected for wear and replaced if necessary.
Technicians will repair or realign any furnace belts that are worn or out of place to ensure the blower motor can do its job. As a properly running blower motor is essential to distributing warm air throughout a house, homeowners benefit from furnace repair when the belt is examined.

3. The bearings in your furnace's blower should be oiled once a year.
Most modern motors are factory pre-lubricated and sealed, so you never have to worry about them. However, some motors have covered oil openings near the motor shaft. The motor should be oiled once a year if it has oil ports. Alternatively, if it contains grease cups, you may fill them with bearing lubricant after removing the screw covers that cover them.

4. Check the furnace's burner and swap it if it's worn out.
Inspecting the burner is an essential aspect of a well-maintained furnace that should be done annually by a professional HVAC technician. By collecting and evaluating combustion gas samples, the technician can ensure the burners are working as they should. Professional cleaning of a gas furnace's burner may be necessary at regular intervals to maintain efficiency and ensure safety.

5. The flame sensor on your heater should be cleaned once a year.
The flame sensors detect a flame when the gas valve is turned on. The sensors give up after three attempts, and the machine locks down to prevent damage. A malfunctioning furnace may trigger an alarm immediately after being turned on. Sometimes the sensor only has to be cleaned, and it'll start working like new.

6. Flue pipes should be inspected and cleaned regularly.
The flue pipe vents the combustion byproducts outside the house, where they may do the most damage. Carbon monoxide may build up in a residence if the byproducts are not adequately vented from the inside. Florida building standards mandate a single- or double-wall flue depending on the number of appliances sharing a flue. Blockages may form in furnaces that haven't been used for months.

7. Get an annual inspection and maintenance on the heating system.
According to some experts, up to 75% of wintertime complaints about low heat may be traced back to a lack of maintenance. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas, making detecting leaks challenging. Carbon monoxide exposure causes an estimated 500 annual deaths and 15,000 annual visits to emergency departments. Your furnace may be red-tagged if it has been deemed hazardous to use in its current condition. Get your furnace checked out by an expert if you have any doubts about its condition.
Your home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is one of the most intricate. A/C and heating service providers must get licenses from local or state governments. Ask for references and double-check with the local licensing office to be sure the firm is legitimate.
After an HVAC expert maintains the furnace, homeowners can do a few actions to keep it functioning well. At least once every three months, you should replace the air filter. If your air filter is dirty, pollen, dust, and other airborne pollutants may be able to enter your home. Maintenance is an essential part of keeping your manufacturer's warranty valid. Manufacturers have the authority to request proof of regular servicing in the event of a warranty claim. They may reject your claim if you haven't kept up with routine maintenance on your furnace.