As a company owner, you have various options for reducing your taxable income. Many firms lose large sums of money each year due to poor tax planning and implementation. Learn how a few small tricks may significantly impact the bottom line by reading on to discover what companies may be neglected in the tax process.
Several tax incentives are available to individuals and corporations under the Internal Revenue Code. Some tax-saving techniques for small businesses must be completed before the end of the tax year, such as the timing of revenue and spending. Before you submit your tax return, you may do things like establish a retirement plan.
8 ways how can a business save on tax with iTaskApp

Hiring a team member in an hourly basis
Hiring members in an hourly basis may be an effective way to lower one's taxable income.
As a result, they won't be held responsible for paying taxes. The company's taxable income may be reduced by deducting the wages provided to the team member from the company's taxable income, thereby lowering the total tax burden.

iTaskApp records Travel and Accommodation
Traveling for business is a frequent practice among entrepreneurs. This may be deducted from the company's taxable income as a business cost. Because iTaskApp records every travelling transaction you make from resources to consumable materials. Booking your next trip on the company's dime rather than your own will save you money on taxes in the long run.

No need to spend on Marketing in iTaskApp
If you're still relying on traditional methods when it comes to marketing, it's time to switch to digital methods. In addition, this will help you save money in the long run since marketing costs are tax-deductible. There's no harm in spending more money on marketing, so why not?

iTaskApp is a Multi-business Utilities
Utility expenditures may be claimed by business owners who travel to work or make phone calls from their automobiles. For example, phone, car, parking, driver's wage, and other business-related costs may be claimed. If you run your business out of your house, you may deduct your power costs as business expenditure.

iTaskApp promotes Medical Insurance for every member
Setting money aside for medical insurances is an excellent method to decrease taxes for small businesses. If you have a high-deductible health plan, you may use a Health Savings Account (HSA) to save money for your medical expenses. Medical prices have increased, and many firms are looking for ways to cut the cost of health insurance. Using Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) may help businesses and workers save money on taxes and healthcare expenditures.

Recording your purchased assets can help depreciate your tax
A special federal tax code provision allows deductions for company assets purchased in one year rather than spread over many years. Taking advantage of Section 179 expensing simplifies record keeping and allows you to reap the tax benefits of your investment earlier. Section 179's deduction cap was set at $1,000,000 for 2019, while bonus depreciation was 100%.

Digital Transactions
Check your tax return to see whether you may deduct your Internet, subscription, and other service expenses. Virus and malware control, expert recommendations, and subscription software may also be worthwhile investments. The total deductions are available for work and home usage if you have different phones. This might assist you in showing the commercial use of your phone by getting an itemized bill. You can't deduct the expense of a landline phone from your taxes. If your company requires you to use a long-distance phone call, you may be able to remove those costs.
The social contract between people and the economy relies heavily on taxation. How taxes are collected and spent affects the legitimacy of a government. Governments held to account are more likely to handle tax revenues and public funds effectively. Health, education, and infrastructure programs are essential to achieving an affluent, well-functioning, orderly community. '