At home, children are more likely to be hurt than anywhere else. The vast majority of injuries may be foreseen and prevented. Make your house as safe as you can before having a kid. Outdoor risks, such as the driveway, front and back gardens, pool, and barbecue areas, must also be considered.
Making physical alterations to your living space might help to lower your chance of being injured. It is possible to include special safety measures in designing a new or renovated home. It will be much less expensive to have safety elements at the design stage than to change and make them safer afterward.
Here is a checklist for improving your house for your young child:

Remove any cords that could get around your baby's neck, and tie them up neatly.
Mobiles and hanging crib toys should also be kept out of your baby's reach.
Remove strings on crib toys and pacifiers.
A crib is like a baby's safe place. You can keep the bars no more than 2 3/8 inches apart.
If the baby's crib bars are too broad, you can weave a cloth between the bars.
The mattress should fit snugly against the crib's sides to prevent suffocation.
Toys with tiny pieces, sharp edges, or sharp points should be avoided.
Toys with well-sealed components are the best. Toys are twisted, prodded, and pulled by young toddlers.
Toys that are meant for young children should be labeled with safety information like "Not recommended for children under the age of 3" or "non-toxic" and should be made of "hygienic materials," and stuffed animals and dolls should be made of "washable/hygienic materials."
Toys have pieces smaller than 1.3 inches in diameter or 2 1/4 inches long, such as marbles, balls, and ball games, to avoid possible choking.
Toys for older children should not be given to newborns or toddlers.

You should never leave your kid alone in the bathtub since they may drown in even a tiny amount of water.
Never, ever, ever, ever leave your youngster in the toilet or tub alone, even if an older child is there with them.
Take your youngster with you if you need to answer the phone or open the door.
Check the water before placing your kid in the tub to ensure it's clean.
If the water in the sink or bathtub is overly hot, young children are at risk of being burnt.
The temperature of your water heater should be no more than 120°F.
During the bath, make sure your youngster is seated.
By providing kids with water-safe toys, you may encourage this.
Hairdryers, in particular, should not come into contact with water at any time.
Don't ever let your kid run in the restroom.

Turn pot handles toward the stove's rear and uses the back burners.
When youngsters are around, use knob covers or a stove shield to prevent them from turning on the oven.
Keep sharp things, such as scissors and knives, in locked or high cabinets.
Discourage children from getting near hot meals, beverages, and equipment.
Away from countertops and the stove, keep stools and chairs.
The stove, refrigerator, and other large appliances should not be able to roll over.
Fire extinguishers should be readily available. Adults and teenagers should be taught how and when to utilize it.
Ensure that no magnets on your refrigerator are tiny enough for a youngster to get their teeth into.
Keep youngsters away from the oven's front door when the range is on.

Fire Safety
On each level and outside the bedroom, install a smoke detector. Two battery changes should be made each year.
Make a plan in case of a fire. Try it out.
Heaters and fireplaces should be protected by safety barriers.
Children should sleep in flame-resistant pajamas.
Fire extinguishers should be kept away from children.
Each room should have a fire escape window that is simple to open and close.
Use "cool" nightlights to keep your home at night safe and comfortable. Keep them away from draperies and bedspreads if you can.
Set the temperature of your hot water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius).
Keep the air moist with a cool-mist humidifier (not a vaporizer).
Keep hairdryers, curling irons, and straighteners unplugged and out of the reach of children.
Never hold your youngster when using a hot beverage or cooking on the stove.
Keep hot plates and glasses away from the table's borders.
You can do several things to keep your child safe as they become older. Toddlers and preschoolers need constant attention, and school-aged children need guidance on being safe. Having the phone numbers for the emergency response, the Poison Center, and the crisis line. Expiring home safety equipment should be replaced once a year.
The safety of one's children is a top priority for each parent. At the same time, children need to be given some degree of autonomy." It's all about striking a good balance, which isn't always easy. As a parent, you have the power to teach your children about basic safety precautions they may take to keep themselves and those they love safe.