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December Goal Ideas For The Best Christmas!

December goal setting can be both exhilarating and daunting. It's common to feel rushed toward the end of the year because we want to get everything done before the start of the new one. We should all renew ourselves in the new year and set a positive tone for the next 12 months.

Getting a head start on resolutions in December makes us feel more accomplished and energized to continue working on them as the new year begins. The key is to first stop, think about our objectives, and then choose the actions that will get us there. A common failing of New Year's resolutions is that we aim too high and attempt to alter too much at once.

Do you occasionally reach the end of the year only to realize that you still need to accomplish all your resolutions or make all the improvements you set out to make? So what if things turn out differently this year? Now is the time to make preparations and take action.

1. Start your holiday shopping early.

Set a deadline for yourself while establishing this objective. However, you may change the colors and other details if you choose. The most unique goals to set are smart ones, which need to be detailed. Some people find Christmas shopping to be both enjoyable and very stressful. Start your Christmas shopping early (in the summer or spring), and you'll have much less to worry about come December. With this schedule in place, you may take the month of December at a more relaxed pace and appreciate the days and weeks building up to the holiday. Enjoy life's pleasures more fully and with less anxiety, of course!

2. Create a December Spending Plan.

In the same vein as the last section, it is helpful to have a budget established and planned out for December, especially if you intend on doing any serious gift-buying. On the other hand, it's not simply presented that may be expensive. Things to do, beverages to sip, festive fare, etc., throughout the winter months. It's all fantastic, but the tab can add up quickly. Planning out your monthly spending at the beginning of the month gives you a sense of financial security and frees you from worrying about money so you can enjoy the month of December to the fullest. The start of December is a great time to buy or download a budget planner and sort things out. You'll be glad you did it later on.

3. Workout X Times Each Week

It's important to fully immerse oneself in the festivities, savoring every bite of delicious food and every conversation with loved ones, no matter the time of year. Ignore the exercise if it will prevent you from doing it. Life is too short. That said, consider making some kind of movement one of your goals for December. You should get some exercise every day, even if it's simply a five- or ten-minute stroll. Body movement is beneficial, but only in moderation. The month of December may make everyone FEEL a little lethargic due to the abundance of great holiday food. Getting up and moving about is a great way to fight this.

4. Take a weekly day off from using your phone.

More and more studies show that excessive media usage is bad for our health in every way (physically, cognitively, and emotionally), proving that our increasingly inseparable connection with mobile gadgets is not a healthy one. The good news is that disconnecting from media may have a significant positive effect on our mental health. You can change how you use technology in the new year. This may let you enjoy the season more fully. Using a phone might take our focus off of what's essential.

5. Try new recipes!

With Christmas and New Year's celebrations, food is plenty in December. There are so many recipes available that you're sure to discover one with an unusual taste combination. This is a fantastic opportunity to try something new and broaden your gastronomic horizons. You could even find a newfound appreciation for foods you formerly avoided.

6. Start a fund for emergencies.

The beginning is the critical word here. By the time we reach the end of the year, you will only need a little cash. However, while that day is still a while off, saving up a respectable amount of money is still feasible. A reasonable estimate is required. In the beginning, you may put down $500. Even if these numbers aren't huge, they're enough to make you feel accomplished and motivate you to keep putting money aside. You can accomplish this one thing right now, and you don't even need much money to get going.

7. A fresh start with a new career or an additional revenue stream.

Even though 2021 was a year of lockdowns, it was also a year of renewed optimism that the epidemic might be stopped. Despite this, several individuals lost their employment due to the economic downturn caused by the constant lockdowns. The world reopened in 2022, accompanied by skyrocketing inflation and interest rate rises. That being said, the economic outlook is much brighter than it was this time last year, and there has never been a better moment to go after your dreams or hunt for a new career.

8. Pay off your bills as much as you can.

2020 and 2021 were, it's safe to say, years of survival for many of us. As it is, just making it through the current economic downturn is an accomplishment. If you share the sentiment that it would be nice to be debt-free, then making that a priority this year should be one of your financial resolutions. Getting your financial house in order is essential to getting back on your feet in 2022, so be sure to pay off any outstanding bills or bad debts you may have acquired during the lockdown or previously.

9. Make sure you're covered by a comprehensive insurance policy.

One thing we can learn from this epidemic is the importance of being ready for everything. Health insurance covers unexpected medical bills, life insurance prepares for the inevitable, and public programs like SSS and PhilHealth provide a foundational safety net. If you already have insurance policies, you should keep them active until they expire; you never know when they could be needed. Plan to obtain a policy as soon as possible if you don't already have one; doing so will benefit you in the long run. You'll save money in the long run because of the shorter duration of the policy, and you'll also get the flexibility to adapt it to your evolving insurance requirements.

10. Try something new!

When we push ourselves out of our comfort zones, we get valuable insight into ourselves and the world around us. After that comes the mad dash. The excitement of the first time is unparalleled and cannot be compared to anything else.

December is when many people take stock of their past and present lives and plan for the year ahead. We have had some space to make sure things happen, making this a fantastic time for planning and taking action.

You still have time to formulate your smart objectives for 2022; this list has motivated you to make some good changes. Setting goals is essential, even if you still need a clear vision of where you want to go.



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