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10 Things To Do Every Month to Keep Your Appliances New

Owning a house is a huge commitment, and it may be challenging to stay on top of all the required upkeep. However, by being proactive with a few primary care areas, you may frequently prevent spending money on repairs. Most of us only give our home appliances much consideration once something goes wrong with them. We then have to rush to purchase supper, do dishes ourselves, or use the washing machine belonging to our next-door neighbor.

1. Change your Air Filter

As a crucial but frequently overlooked component, air filters play a critical role in a building's climate control system. They remove pollen and dust particles that might otherwise circulate around the house, lowering air quality. However, it may turn on you if you need to periodically replace the air filter in your home. Most HVAC systems break down because of dirty air filters. Having pets or living in a particularly polluted location are two reasons why it's essential to update your air filter every month or two. Changing an air filter is a cheap and easy DIY project without special tools or expertise. See the manual for your specific unit for your system's correct filter size and MERV rating.

2. Deep Clean Washing Machine

Bacteria may be trapped in a thin film created by the soap residue and detergent chemicals that build up within your washing machine. This detergent residue also acts as a trap for odor particles, so your washing machine may begin to smell musty. If the situation worsens, the odor may even transfer to your clothes. White vinegar is an effective disinfectant and sanitizer, and its acidity aids in removing stubborn residue. As the vinegar goes down the drain, it may also clean the pipes themselves. Deodorizing white vinegar helps eliminate foul smells in the drain basin and septic tank. To amp up the zing of the clean scent, sprinkle in some baking soda. Soap scum and lingering smells may be "exfoliated" removed with its help.

3. Clean out the Washing Machine Debris Filter

You should clean your dryer's lint trap as often as you clean the filter in your washing machine. It's not only bad for the clothing and the machine if you don't clean the washer's filter regularly. Finding the filter, removing it, soaking and washing it clean, returning it, and doing a quick, empty wash cycle are all parts of cleaning the filter. Known tiktoker Larae once said, "Make sure you use a towel and a bowl since the first time I tried this, I got water everywhere,"

Take the filter out of its case and use a moist cleaning cloth to remove dust and lint. The filter housing may then be cleaned of lint and dust with the fabric. Soak the filter in hot water and a small quantity (approximately 1 tsp. ) of dish soap or liquid laundry detergent in a container big enough to immerse the filter for 10 minutes, then scrape the filter to remove buildup. Place it back into the filter housing of the washing machine and double-check that it fits snugly. Check sure the filter is in place by running a short cycle through the washer. Pull the filter out and replace it in its housing if you find any leaks.

4. Dryer Vent

Dryer vents should be cleaned regularly by a professional who can do a good job. Clearing out the lint from your dryer vent may speed up the drying process and save time. Wear and tear on your appliance is caused by lint and other debris lodged in the vent. If your dryer's vent is clogged, drying your clothes will take much longer. This can decrease the life of your dryer by causing its components to wear out faster than usual. Dryer fires are a common source of calls to fire stations around the United States. Accidental fires from accumulated lint in the dryer vent are a serious and common problem.

5. Coffee Pot All Natural Cleaning Pods

Cleaning pods are designed to remove lingering odors and aromas from your single-serve coffee machine. Maltodextrin, the principal component, is used to pick up lingering aromas and odors from the equipment. Despite manufacturers' claims to the contrary, these pods will only clean the brewing and drip area. Most manufacturers recommend the weekly use of a cleaning pod in your single-cup coffee maker to keep the pod compartment clean. The cleaning process leaves the reservoir untouched since the pods only address residue buildup in the pod holder. You may either wipe the Pod compartment off with a damp cloth or run hot water through the machine to thoroughly clean it.

6. Clean the Dishwasher Filter

Because the filter cleans the water and traps food particles as it washes, you may save time by skipping the pre-washing step. It also keeps the pump from breaking down due to leaks caused by blockages. Food may accumulate and produce a blockage if it isn't periodically checked and rinsed. A filthy filter is primarily responsible for an unpleasant odor and fewer clean dishes, but it may also lead to drainage and possible pump damage. Filter maintenance is simple, so your dishwasher can handle whatever you throw at it.

You can usually find the filter in a dishwasher behind the motor, although this varies from model to model, so it's better to consult the owner's handbook. Whenever possible, use a bottle brush to clean the tighter spaces. Get rid of dust and grime by flushing the filter with hot water. Just put the bottom rack back where it came from. Hosting a dinner party or a party of any kind may be a lot of work, but if you follow this easy maintenance technique, you can save a lot of stress.

7. Deodorize and Refresh Disposal

Maintaining clean trash disposal is as simple as turning it on and off often. Foods that have been soaked in cold water become firmer and may be more easily ground. Once a month, run a saucepan of hot water down the disposal to loosen any lingering scraps. The trash disposal needs a more thorough cleaning if it begins to emit a foul odor. Larae reactivated her trash disposal's original fresh scent with Clr Fresh & Clean Garbage Disposal Fresh Scent Weekly Foaming Cleaning Pods. She dropped one down the drain of her bathroom sink and watched the bubbles of soap rise. She praised the device, saying, "These pods work well, and they are quite gratifying to see each and every time."

8. Deep Clean Sink

Vanesa Amaro, a professional housekeeper and cleaner, recommend Scrub Mommy's Power Paste to maintain a sparkling stainless steel sink. The natural, easy-to-use cleaner has gone popular on the TikTok app. You may clean the sink by wetting it down, then removing the sponge and wetting it before immersing it in the paste. She then gets to work, cleaning the sink of grime or lingering debris. After cleaning, Amaro advises drying the stainless steel with a microfiber cloth to remove any remaining water. The finishing touch is a coat of steel shine.

9. Vinegar to Dishwasher

When it comes to saving time in the kitchen, dishwashers are invaluable. Dishwashers handle the hard work of removing food stains so that you don't have to. Grease, soap scum, and food particles accumulate throughout several cycles, making it impossible for your dishwasher to do its job. That's why more than once a month is needed to clean your appliance (or more often if you use it frequently).

Dishwasher buildup is easily removed by vinegar, leaving your appliance spotless. In addition to eradicating mold and mildew, the vinegar will help eliminate musty smells. You should pour the vinegar on the top rack of the dishwasher, not in the detergent dispenser, for the best results. When vinegar is used with dishwasher detergent, it may slowly eat away at the dishwasher's gaskets and lining due to the acidity of the vinegar. If you feel the vinegar cycle didn't get your dishwasher as clean as you'd want, try adding some baking soda to the rinse cycle.

10. Disinfect Showers

It's crucial to keep the shower head clean if you want your bathroom to seem clean and presentable. The job may disinfect the trapped moisture and remove mineral deposits that have built up on the nozzle, and reduce water pressure. The sputtering water or weak water stream during showers may be prevented by cleaning your metal or plastic shower head with non-toxic household items that break down mineral deposits and destroy germs.

When it comes to maintaining your shower head, it's best to stay away from chlorine bleach and any cleaning solutions that include it. Rubber gloves should always be used while handling shower accessories to prevent direct contact with mineral deposits and microorganisms. You may remove the plumbing fixture from the shower pipe using an adjustable wrench on the bolt and a pipe wrench to hold the pipe in place. Take off the filter screen that lines the inside of your shower head, and then flush it with warm water to eliminate dust and other light debris. Instead of soaking the device, leave it linked to the pipe and cover it with the mixture in a plastic bag. First, fill the bag almost to the top with a mixture of 1/3 cup baking soda and white vinegar.

By keeping your equipment clean, you can guarantee that you and your family are consuming healthy, clean food without the risk of contracting any diseases. Keep in mind that germs and bacteria flourish in warm environments. Therefore regular cleaning of your appliances is essential.

Keeping your equipment well-maintained will extend its valuable lives. Not only do appliances that aren't regularly serviced waste more energy than they should, but they also wear out significantly quicker. A clogged dryer has to work harder and hotter than it should, which might shorten its lifespan. Regularly adhering to the guidelines outlined in the owner's manuals of your equipment is essential. They will continue to function optimally for longer if you do this.


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